ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks


With ANNKE CCTV, you can view & record in real time video signal 24/7 from anywhere in the world by connecting to the easy-to-install cloud-based CCTV DVR system with your PC, iPhone, iPad or android devices. Any movements can be detected and recorded via the motion detection function and alarming e-mail will be sent timely to leave you enough time for precautions. How to do ANNKE CCTV delete recording?

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Actually, most of NVR system can’t select the recording files to delete it. Once a customer wants to delete the recording files, It is suggested to format the hard drive. If you want to keep the hard drive recording always, you could set up the overwrite function for the recording. It could be set up on the Menu–>Record–>Advanced–>Overwrite. Or another simple step –

Main Menu>Advanced>Storage>Format Storage.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – How to format hard drive?


Formatting hard drive will delete all video files in hard drive.

1. Right click mouse and go to Main menu.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks

2. Go to advanced.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks

3. Go to storage.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks

4. Select the hard drive and click format.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks

What to do if system can not overwrite files?


Go to Main Menu–system–general to enable overwrite so that system can delete old files when the hard drive is full to keep recording.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks

If the system still shows storage full even if you enable overwrite function, please go to Main Menu–Advanced–Automaintain to set auto-delete so that system can delete files recorder several days ago automatically.

ANNKE CCTV delete recording – tips and tricks

How to delete the device on Annke Vision?

Applies to:


If you want to delete the device from your old account and add it into another app, you need to delete it from the old account, as the device can be only added into one;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==


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