How to delete footage from Swann security camera?


You can use Record mode to play video recordings saved to your mobile device. Tap your DVR or NVR to display a thumbnail of each recording (videos are categorised by date saved to your mobile device). Tap a video to play. Turn your mobile device horizontally for a larger view. As per Playback mode, use the playback interface to control your video recordings. Tap the back button (top left) to play a different video recording. Users always ask on how to delete footage from Swann security camera?

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How to delete footage from Swann security camera?

  • Tap the “Edit” button (top right) then tap a video to select.
How to delete footage from Swann security camera?
How to delete footage from Swann security camera?
  • To delete the selected videos, tap “Delete” then tap “Confirm”. The videos will be deleted.
  • To delete all videos, tap “Clear” then tap “Confirm”. All videos will be deleted

How to delete image from Swann security camera?

You can use Image mode to display a snapshot that is saved to your mobile device. Tap your DVR or NVR to display a thumbnail of each snapshot.

Snapshots are categorised by date saved to your mobile device. Tap a snapshot to display. Turn your mobile device horizontally for a larger view.

How to delete footage from Swann security camera?
  1. Tap this to share the snapshot with services available on your mobile device such as email or a cloud service.
  2. Tap this to play a slideshow. You can also swipe the screen left or right to display a different snapshot.
  3. Tap this to delete the image.
  4. To delete all images, tap the back button (top left),
    tap “Edit”, tap “Clear” then tap “Confirm”

How to use Playback function?

  1. Tap this button to commence a new search.
  2. Tap a camera to select then tap this button to play the video in slow motion. Subsequent taps will increase the slow motion (up to 16x).
  3. Tap a camera to select then tap this button to pause playback. Tap again to play.
  4. Tap a camera to select then tap this button to fast forward the video. Subsequent taps will increase the speed (up to 16x).
  5. Tap a camera to select then tap this button to play a single frame. Subsequent taps will advance the video one frame at a time.
  6. Tap a camera to select then tap this button to stop playing video.
  7. Tap this to display additional functions.
  8. Tap this to display the previous functions.
  9. Tap this then tap a particular camera to save a snapshot to your mobile device.
  1. Tap this then tap a particular camera to save
    a video recording to your mobile device (multiple
    videos can be saved at the same time).
  2. If you have an audio source connected to the DVR or NVR’s audio input(s), tap this to enable audio playback on the camera selected (for 8 camera models, this option is only available on camera input 1).
  3. Tap this to change the aspect ratio of all cameras displayed. By default, HomeSafe View will stretch the image to display full screen. If this is not suitable, you can change the aspect ratio so the image is displayed correctly.
  4. Turn your mobile device horizontally for a larger view. Functions such as double tapping a camera to view full screen and dragging a video channel to reposition it, still apply in this mode.

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